11/13/2023, 12:46:52 AM

Green Initiatives - Automotive


Adam McWhirter, GMS-T

Managing Director at Maxxelli

China's major cities are taking proactive steps to reduce greenhouse emissions and create a more sustainable environment. These efforts are aimed at curbing vehicle emissions and promoting eco-friendly transportation options. 

Below are examples of a cities and the steps they are taking to reduce emissions locally, but don't hesitate to ask your Maxxelli Consultant for the steps your new home city is taking to create a green future for all of us.

In Shanghai, electric and fuel-efficient vehicles are rewarded with green license plates, which come with perks and incentives.  (it's also quite apparent which cars on the road are EV with the coloured license plates)  Additionally, the city has implemented measures like license plate lotteries and auctions to control the number of new vehicles on the road and reduce traffic congestion.

To combat environmental challenges, Beijing follows an odd-even license plate system. Vehicles with odd-numbered plates are allowed on certain days, while those with even-numbered plates can drive on alternate days. The city also enforces strict emission standards to ensure vehicles comply with environmentally friendly norms.

Guangzhou encourages the adoption of new energy vehicles (NEVs) by offering substantial subsidies and incentives. These incentives significantly reduce the cost of purchasing NEVs, such as electric cars and hybrids. Additionally, the city implements a car ownership lottery system to limit the number of new vehicles on the road and decrease emissions.

Shenzhen takes the lead in sustainable transportation by replacing its entire public bus fleet with electric buses. This proactive move has resulted in lower emissions and improved air quality. Moreover, the city offers generous subsidies and financial support to promote the use of new energy vehicles among residents.

Chengdu, a city known for embracing innovative solutions, promotes sustainable transportation through various initiatives. The city encourages residents to use bicycles through extensive bike-sharing programs. Additionally, public transportation is prioritized, with special discounts offered for metro and bus rides to reduce reliance on private vehicles.

These cities' efforts towards sustainability highlight China's commitment to reducing greenhouse emissions. By implementing measures like license plate restrictions, promoting electric vehicles and public transportation, and supporting eco-friendly alternatives, China aims to create a greener and more livable urban environment.

If you are in a city that makes EV license plates visible, you can definitely see the impact.  And don't be surprised when a friend or colleague tells you they cannot drive that day - the plate restrictions are enforced.  Over the past 10+ years, China has taken immense steps to lower the greenhouse emissions from daily transportation.
Adam McWhirter, GMS-T

Managing Director at Maxxelli

Joined Maxxelli in 2008, I am currently the Managing Partner. If you have any queries about our services, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly

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