
Learn more about moving to China

# Before you move
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# Life in China
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The Maxxelli Portal

After months of design and development, we are thrilled to announce the launch of The Maxxelli Portal. We bring you 15 years of Real Estate and Destination Services experience, all at your fingertips. Say goodbye to endless searches for documents or city guides buried in your inbox. Everything that defines the essence of Maxxelli is now beautifully curated in single location.    Welcome to a new era of DSP convenience and exploration in China.   The Maxxelli Portal (Youtube) In The Portal, we’ve streamlined the process into 5 straightforward sections. Our clients will receive real-time updates as they progress on their journey with us. - Overview - Home-Search - Lease Info - Tenancy Management - My City  The My City section in The Maxxelli Portal shines as a standout feature. While the website offers regularly updated City Guides, the Maxxelli Portal showcases a comprehensive portfolio of guides for over 50 cities throughout China that delves much deeper than the general City Guides online. Within the For You section, we will also send timely articles that add value to the relocation process. [Screenshot from The Portal - Shanghai]   For more information on the Maxxelli Portal, please reach out to our Managing Partner, Adam McWhirter

Tomb Sweeping Day in China

As an expat living in China, it's important to be aware of the various cultural traditions and holidays that are celebrated in the country. One such important holiday is Tomb Sweeping Day, also known as Qingming Festival, which is a time when Chinese people pay respects to their ancestors.   Tomb Sweeping Day falls on April 4th or 5th each year, depending on the lunar calendar. This year, the holiday will take place on April 4th. In addition to the actual day, Chinese people often take a few days off to visit the graves of their ancestors, clean the gravesite, offer sacrifices, and pay tribute to their departed loved ones.   The history of Tomb Sweeping Day dates back over 2,500 years to the Zhou Dynasty, when it was a day to honor the ancestors of the royal family. Over time, the tradition spread to the general population, and today it is observed by people of all backgrounds in China.   One of the key customs of Tomb Sweeping Day is to burn incense and paper offerings at the gravesite as a way to show respect to the deceased. People also sweep the gravesite, remove weeds, and plant fresh flowers as a sign of honoring their ancestors. Additionally, some families will offer food and drinks as sacrifices to the spirits of their loved ones.   For expats living in China, Tomb Sweeping Day can be a fascinating cultural experience to observe. You may come across people visiting cemeteries with fresh offerings, burning incense, and paying their respects to their ancestors. While you may not be able to participate in all the rituals, showing respect and understanding the significance of the holiday will be appreciated by your Chinese friends and colleagues.   As Tomb Sweeping Day approaches, it's essential to be mindful of local customs and traditions and be respectful of those who are observing the holiday. 

How to - Recycling

In an effort to promote sustainability and combat environmental issues, China has implemented a comprehensive recycling program. This program aims to reduce waste and encourage citizens to adopt more eco-friendly practices. In this article, we will break down the recycling program in through various cities and explain how residents can participate. Recycling programs and drop-offs do vary slightly across the different cities, but the general processes remain the same. Proper Sorting and Segregation: Proper sorting and segregation of recyclable materials is the first step towards effective recycling.  Residents are encouraged to separate their waste into different categories, including paper, plastic, metal, glass, and hazardous waste. Collection Methods: The municipal governments have established various collection methods to ensure the smooth functioning of the recycling program:     a. Community Recycling Stations: These are designated recycling areas within residential communities where residents can drop off their recyclable materials.     b. Door-to-Door Collection: In certain neighborhoods, door-to-door collection services are provided. Residents can leave their recyclables outside their homes, and designated collection personnel will pick them up at scheduled times.     c. Recycling Points: Recycling points are scattered throughout the city, usually near residential areas, shopping centers, or transportation hubs, where residents can drop off their recyclables. Recycling Bins and Labels: Many neighborhoods and public places are equipped with recycling bins to facilitate waste separation. The bins are color-coded, with different colors representing different types of recyclable materials. Additionally, bilingual labels are placed on the bins, providing clear instructions on what items are acceptable for each bin. Education and Awareness: To ensure the success of the recycling program, educating and raising awareness among residents is crucial. The municipal government regularly conducts awareness campaigns, workshops, and distributes informational materials to educate residents about the benefits of recycling and how to correctly participate in the program. Responsible Disposal of Hazardous Waste: Residents are advised to properly dispose of hazardous waste, such as batteries, electronics, and chemicals, through specialized collection points or by contacting relevant authorities. These materials should not be mixed with regular recyclables or disposed of in regular trash bins. Collaboration with Recycling Companies: Multiple recycling firms are used to collect, process, and reuse the recyclable materials efficiently. These companies receive the sorted recycling materials and transform them into new products through recycling, reducing the need for raw materials. By participating in the recycling program, residents contribute to the reduction of waste sent to landfills, conserve resources, and help protect the environment. It is essential for residents to familiarize themselves with the program's guidelines, understand the sorting and segregation procedures, and actively practice responsible waste management. China's overall recycling program is a significant step towards creating a more sustainable city. By encouraging residents to properly sort their waste and providing convenient collection methods, the program aims to make recycling a daily habit. If you are not certain of the recycling drop off locations in your compound or neighbourhood, be sure to reach out to your Maxxelli Consultant. 

Ride Sharing Apps

China's transportation landscape has witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years, with ride-sharing apps playing a central role in changing how people get around cities. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular ride-sharing apps in China and guide you through the process of registering for them. 1. DiDi Chuxing DiDi Chuxing is the leading ride-hailing platform in China, with a massive user base and an extensive network covering both urban and suburban areas. The app offers various services, including DiDi Express, DiDi Premier, DiDi Luxe, and DiDi Luxe Electric. To register for DiDi, follow these steps: - Download the DiDi app from your device's app store. - Open the app and select your preferred language. - Create an account by providing your phone number or linking your existing social media accounts. - Enter the verification code sent to your phone number. - Set a password and complete the registration process. - You can now book rides on DiDi and enjoy the convenience of their services. 2. Meituan Dache Meituan Dache is another popular ride-sharing app in China, best known for its food delivery services but also provides convenient transportation options. Registering for Meituan Dache is straightforward: - Download the Meituan app from your app store. - Open the app and select your preferred language. - Sign up with your phone number or link your social media accounts. - Verify your phone number using the verification code. - Set a password and complete the registration process. - You are now ready to utilize Meituan Dache for your transportation needs. 3. Shouqi Yueche Shouqi Yueche, also known as "Shouqi Limousine & Chauffeur," is a premium ride-hailing service operating in major cities across China. It offers luxury vehicles, professional drivers, and a range of specialized services. To register for Shouqi Yueche: - Download the Shouqi app from your app store. - Open the app and choose your preferred language. - Sign up by entering your phone number or linking your social media accounts. - Verify your phone number with the verification code you receive. - Set a password and complete the registration process. - You can now access the premium services provided by Shouqi Yueche. 4. Gaode Dache Gaode Dache is another popular ride-sharing app in China that provides reliable transportation services. To register for Gaode Dache: - Download the Gaode Dache app from your device's app store. - Open the app and choose your preferred language. - Create an account by entering your phone number or linking your social media accounts. - Verify your phone number using the verification code. - Set a password and complete the registration process. - Start using Gaode Dache to book rides and enjoy the convenience it offers. Gaode Dache offers features such as real-time traffic information, estimated arrival times, and multiple payment options. It's a great alternative for getting around in China, so give it a try and experience seamless transportation services. It's worth noting that some ride-sharing apps may require linking a Chinese bank account for payment purposes. If you don't have one, you may need to explore alternative payment options like cash or online payment platforms such as Alipay or WeChat Pay. Ride-sharing apps like DiDi Chuxing, Meituan Dache, and Shouqi Yueche have revolutionized transportation in China, especially breaking down language barriers with maps and GPS. Registering for these apps is relatively straightforward and allows you to take advantage of the convenience and efficiency they bring to urban mobility. So, whether you're a resident or a traveler in China, consider embracing these ride-sharing apps to enhance your transportation experience.

China's Recycling Program - A Brief History

China's recycling program has undergone significant development over the past two decades, transforming it into one of the most prominent and efficient recycling systems in the world. This transformation has been driven by increasing environmental awareness, government regulations, and advancements in technology.  Let's delve into the key milestones and changes that have shaped China's recycling program. Phase 1: Early Stages (2000-2008) China's recycling program was initially limited in scope during the early 2000s. Small-scale informal recycling networks primarily operated, with individuals collecting and sorting recyclables to sell to scrap dealers. These activities were associated with ad hoc collection points where waste materials were stockpiled before being sold or exported. Phase 2: Development of National Recycling Policies (2008-2017) In 2008, China launched its first national waste management and recycling system. The government imposed regulations and standards to address environmental concerns and promote sustainability. One significant change was the establishment of packaging waste management, where manufacturers were required to take responsibility for the recovery and recycling of their product packaging. Another crucial development during this phase was the introduction of the "National Sword" policy in 2013, which aimed to address the importation of contaminated recyclables. China tightened restrictions on the quality of imported recyclables to protect its environment and human health. This initiative prompted countries around the world to improve their recycling processes and reduce contamination levels in exported materials. Phase 3: The Ban on Foreign Waste Imports (2017-2018) One of the most significant changes in China's recycling program occurred in 2017 when the country announced a ban on the import of 24 types of solid waste, including many recyclables. The ban, dubbed the "National Sword" policy, aimed to prioritize domestic recycling and reduce the environmental impact caused by the influx of contaminated recyclables. This ban caused a significant shift in the global recycling industry, as alternative destinations for discarded materials had to be identified. Many exporting countries, especially in North America and Europe, had to reevaluate their recycling infrastructure, improve domestic recycling capacity, and invest in new technologies to process the materials that were previously exported to China. Phase 4: Investment in Advanced Recycling Technologies The ban on foreign waste imports prompted China to shift towards more technology-driven recycling systems. The country invested in advanced recycling technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics. These advancements enabled efficient sorting, recycling, and recovery of valuable materials from waste streams. China's recycling industry has also transitioned to favor specialized recycling facilities rather than small-scale informal operations. These advanced facilities employ sophisticated sorting equipment and methods to maximize the recovery of valuable resources from various waste streams, thus increasing recycling rates and reducing the environmental impact of waste disposal. Over the past two decades, China's recycling program has evolved significantly. From the initial informal recycling networks to the development of national recycling policies and the ban on foreign waste imports, China has shown a strong commitment to environmental sustainability. The focus on advanced recycling technologies has made the nation a global leader in recycling and resource recovery. While challenges remain, China's dedication to building a circular economy and reducing waste has become an inspiration for other countries to enhance their recycling infrastructure and practices.

WeChat - How to Register an Account

WeChat, often referred to as China's super app, is a versatile mobile application that integrates social media, messaging, payment services, and much more into one convenient platform. If you're planning to visit or live in China, setting up a WeChat account is essential for staying connected and accessing a wide range of services.  Many of the other large Chinese apps, you could maybe survive without, but for life in China - WeChat is everything. Step 1: Download and Install the WeChat App 1. Open your smartphone's app store (App Store for iOS or Google Play Store for Android). 2. Search for "WeChat" in the search bar. 3. Tap on the WeChat app from the search results. 4. Click "Download" or "Install" to begin the installation process. Step 2: Creating a WeChat Account 1. Open the WeChat app on your smartphone. 2. Select your preferred language (English is available) to navigate more comfortably. 3. Tap on "Sign Up." 4. Choose your region or country and input your mobile phone number. 5. Verify your phone number by entering the verification code sent to your device. 6. Create a unique and secure WeChat ID (nickname). 7. Set up a password for your WeChat account. 8. Fill in your personal information, including your name and any other required details. Step 3: Setting up Your Profile 1. Upload a profile photo by tapping on your blank profile picture. 2. Personalize your WeChat profile by adding a cover photo and a brief introduction. 3. Add contacts by syncing your phone contacts with the WeChat app or manually entering WeChat IDs or phone numbers. 4. Explore the different sections of WeChat, such as Moments (similar to a social media feed), Chats (individual and group conversations), and Discover (various features and services). Step 4: Linking Your Bank Card 1. To enable WeChat Pay, which allows you to make digital payments within the app, you need to link your bank card. 2. In the "Me" section, tap on "Wallet" or "My Bank Cards" to access the WeChat Pay settings. 3. Select "Add a Card" and enter your bank card details, including the card number, expiry date, and CVV code. 4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the card verification process. 5. Once verified, your bank card will be successfully linked to your WeChat account. A common challenge is your name.  It needs to be written exactly as it is at the bank, which sometimes creates confusion depending how the bank typed your name into their system.   - LAST NAME first name middle names - LASTNAMEFIRSTNAMEMIDDLENAMES - last name first name middle names - first name middle names LAST NAME This is not an issue for Chinese Characters, but does create confusion with the alphabet.  Step 5: Exploring WeChat Features 1. Use WeChat for messaging by tapping on the "Chats" section and selecting a contact to chat with. You can send text messages, voice messages, photos, videos, and more. 2. Discover more features and services within the WeChat app, such as WeChat Pay for mobile payments, Mini Programs for accessing various applications, Official Accounts for following brands and influencers, and WeChat Moments for sharing your updates with friends. 3. Participate in WeChat groups to connect with like-minded individuals, join communities, or stay informed about events and activities happening around you. Registering for a WeChat account is a must-do when entering China's digital landscape. Stay connected, make payments, share moments, and enjoy the convenience of WeChat as your go-to super app in China.  Get started and embrace the next level of mobile functionality with WeChat!